Tories Face New Rivals, Liberal Fortunes Could Shift Amid Changing Times Post-Election

News Analysis The Conservative Party’s infighting and ascendent rivals in the People’s Party and Maverick Party could be seen as a repeat of the 1990s when the Liberals ruled Canada over a divided political right. But some political scientists say there are additional factors that over time will influence the outcome this time around. Ted Morton has seen this movie before. He won an Alberta election as a Reform Party senator-in-waiting in 1998, took office as a Progressive Conservative (PC) MLA in 2004, and lost his seat to a Wildrose candidate in 2012. The former Alberta PC leadership candidate said the Conservative Party’s problems start at the top. “O’Toole reversed ground on things like the carbon tax [and offered] not much on pipelines. Certainly on the social issues, [he] went way to the left or to the centre, and it didn’t work,” Morton said in an interview. “In terms of …

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