4 Ways Your Home Can Affect Your Health

The amount of time people spend indoors has increased tremendously, especially due to businesses’ transition to remote work. In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency has found the average American spends 90% of their time inside, surrounded by pollutants that can be 2 to 5 times more concentrated than those found outdoors. If you’re concerned about how your health is being affected by your home, here are some factors to consider: 1. Allergens It may come as a surprise, but allergies can be triggered indoors as much as they are outdoors. In addition to the obvious culprits, pet hair and dust, mold spores can grow from water-damaged materials causing allergic reactions and often worsening asthma (amongst other illnesses). If there’s long-term toxic mold exposure, people will start experiencing insomnia, memory loss, trouble concentrating, etc. Allergens can be combated by fixing leaks and excess moisture in the home. Some beneficial changes to adopt …

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