About Us

The Mission of
Conservative Voices USA

We want to transform the silent majority into the vocal majority

and organize them into a unified force

for change that cannot be ignored.

What is a Conservative?


Conservatives hold traditional values, especially those related to belief in God, pride in one’s country, and devotion to family.


Conservatives believe in the importance of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, limited government, law and order, fair and equal representation under the law, the right to have a job, free enterprise and competition, equal opportunity, truthful reporting, equal access to information, religious freedom, personal freedom and responsibility, and respect for life.


Conservatives believe in the importance of common sense, fairness and moderation.


Conservatives have been accused of being resistant to change and innovation. The truth is that conservatives believe change should be approached with caution. Conservatives love innovation, but believe it should be balanced with future consideration and moral responsibility.


Conservatives are varied in many ways including education, income, occupation, age, race and national origin, but we are united in our desire to make America great again.


Conservatives have been the hard-working but SILENT majority of the United States long enough. Let us be silent no more!