Food and Supplement Trends for 2022

When we look into our crystal ball to get a glimpse of 2022, we’re seeing the words “functional,” “practical,” and “sustainable” a lot. It seems that being in the midst of a pandemic has made a lot of people change how they look at themselves, their health, and their future. These new perspectives have had a big impact on the trends for 2022. Here are a few of them: More Immune Support Concerns about staving off colds and flu were once reserved largely for the beginning of the school year or the arrival of winter. No more. What was once a habit that consumers followed for a few months out of the year has turned into a year-round effort. In 2022, consumers will be looking for, researching, and buying more supplements that support immune health. Their options will be plentiful if not a bit overwhelming. In addition to buying the …

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