The Art of Digital Etiquette

With texts, messaging, and emails increasingly replacing many phone calls and in-person conversations for personal and business purposes, we’ve compiled several tips to help improve online communication skills. Make a Good Impression Just as you’d start an in-person or phone conversation, open with “Good Morning!” or a similar greeting. For first-time texts or emails, introduce yourself and explain, briefly, why you are contacting the recipient. Type carefully to avoid typos. Resist the temptation to respond to messages, texts, or calls that may come in while you’re e-conversing; it’s too easy to accidentally mix up the conversations, responding to the wrong party. Don’t Be Rude Just as talking overly loudly on the phone distracts those nearby, it is also rude to text or email while spending time with friends or family. Excuse yourself to find a quiet spot where you can focus on the digital conversation. Pay attention to text messages …

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