Capitol Report (Dec. 31): Biden’s First Year in Review

About one year after the vaccine rollout, new daily cases of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus are soaring to record levels. The Omicron variant continues to spread throughout the country and the CDC has cut the quarantine time in half. Is this following the science or a political move to keep the economy from coming to a halt? We asked physician Dr. Syed Haider, a frontline doctor treating COVID-19, about what this could mean. We bring you a snapshot of President Joe Biden’s first year in office. He’s taken hits and misses in 2021—from COVID-19, economic challenges, and campaign promises, we’ll zoom in, and out, to get an overall look at Biden’s first year in the White House. A growing number of House Democrats said they are not seeking reelection in 2022. And the Republican Party seems optimistic. It’s no secret that corporations around the world have been kowtowing to China …

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