The Canadian government announced on Jan. 26 it is extending and expanding its military mission in Ukraine to train local troops, and a key phrase used by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau could indicate an increased role for the country’s special forces. The current Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Op UNIFIER mission involves around 200 personnel. In a Jan. 26 press conference, Trudeau said its expansion will see an additional 60 troops deploy within days, with room to eventually increase the mission to 400 troops. The mission has also been extended for three additional years. When asked if Canadian troops would be taking part in combat, Trudeau said, “This is a training mission. The Canadian military will be there to advise and assist.” Trudeau’s use of the words “advise and assist” are noteworthy, since in military jargon this type of mission is usually separate from training, and is the responsibility of special …
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