The Nutritional Magic in Orange Foods

“What should I eat?” is a question every parent hears, often several times per day. My teen stood by the open refrigerator, hanging on the door, sighing loudly. “Mo-om, I’m hungry,” he said. “There’s nothing good in here. What should I eat?” A car needs the right kind of gas to run smoothly. Humans need the right kind of food to optimize their health and well-being. The best foods for our bodies and our brains are the freshest, made in our own kitchens instead of in industrial plants. But eating should also be delicious and bring us joy. It’s no good to shovel “healthy” food into our mouths, standing by the sink, stressing about work, school, or the latest deadly infection. It’s also a mistake to stress about food. If we prepare a beautiful meal, but we do it resentfully, worried about the mess we’re making in the kitchen and …

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