Organize a Messy Room With Simple, Inexpensive Shelving

Dear James: Our extra bedroom has just become a junk room with stuff piled all over the place. I would like to organize it with some shelves. How can I make some inexpensive shelving? —Alan D. Dear Alan: I think any family that has an unused bedroom ends up using it for storage. It is easy to toss stuff in there until it becomes difficult to even walk through safely. Take an inventory of what stuff you want to save, record its size, and donate the rest to charities. Once you know the sizes of the largest items you want to store on the shelves, visit the shelving aisle at your home center store. You’ll see many bracket and shelving options. Knowing the size you need, check the specification on the products to determine which are strong enough to hold your items. If you’re not an experienced do-it-yourselfer, you’ll find …

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