Cuba is a major hub for a worldwide totalitarian movement and its intelligence network has spread its influence throughout the Western hemisphere, said Orlando Gutierrez-Boronat, coordinator of the Assembly of the Cuban Resistance. The communist Cubans have provided the intelligence structure and the organizational structure for the Chinese regime to expand their power in the Western hemisphere, Gutierrez-Boronat told EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program. Cuba with its key strategic location has been an ideal platform for influencing the United States and Latin America, the activist said. “They’re [a] very considerable foe for the United States and the Western hemisphere.” Gutierrez-Boronat cited Herbert Marcuse, a prominent Marxist scholar of the Frankfurt School associated with Columbia University in New York, who said that “the communist revolution in Cuba was essential for the communist revolution in the United States.” The Cuban communist party is very confident that they’re gaining ground in Latin America and the …
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