Lessons for Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and NATO From the Ukraine War

Commentary While the war in Ukraine is still raging, it isn’t too early to draw some conclusions about the fighting and see how “lessons learned” might apply to NATO and our Pacific Allies. On the ground, the evidence is clear that a far smaller Ukrainian military has been able to fight the Russians to a standstill in many places, and inflict what appear to be unacceptable damages on them.  The true figures of Russian equipment destroyed are not yet known, but it’s clear Russia has lost over 200 main battle tanks, air defense systems, including the BUK and Pantsir, and fighter aircraft, including the Su-34, and attack helicopters. Moreover, the number of Russian troops killed in Ukraine has soared. The Ukrainians say more than 15,000 Russians have been killed; the Russians say far less, but families in Russia are starting to complain to Moscow, and the Russians, who have been …

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