Defeating Communist China Requires Soft Power—Does the US Have Any Left?

Commentary If the United States is to remain a dominant—no, the dominant—force in geopolitics, what must the country’s leaders do? Resign, some say. However, as many of us know only too well, politicians are a proud bunch, not necessarily known for stepping away from the limelight. A more pertinent question to ask is this: To stop the rise of the Chinese regime, is more hard power—a coercive approach to international political relations that often relies on the use of military power—required? Considering the war crimes being carried out in Ukraine, let’s hope not. Actual, physical warfare must be avoided at all costs. Instead, to remain the most powerful nation, the United States must look to soft power, a persuasive approach to international relations, which relies heavily on the use of cultural influence. If hard power is the stick, then soft power is very much the carrot. But does the United States have any …

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