Missouri County Set to Spend Federal Pandemic Relief Money on Out-of-State Abortions

Despite warnings from Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, some members of the St. Louis County Council want to allocate COVID-19 relief funds for the purpose of reimbursing women for abortions they secure in other states.
“I don’t understand why St. Louis Democrats believe this is even legal,” said Paul Berry, a Republican who is campaigning to represent Missouri’s 2nd Congressional District.
“If Joe Biden thought utilizing COVID funds for out-of-state travel to have abortions was a viable plan, he probably would have said so.”
The allocation was proposed by Councilwoman Lisa Clancy who called for $1 million of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to be allocated to nonprofits for the facilitation of transportation and lodging for pregnant women seeking an abortion outside of Missouri….

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