Faced With National Humiliation, Self-Justification Becomes the Theme

Commentary Whatever happened to being wrong? Have you noticed that no one ever admits to being at fault or in error anymore? “To err is Human; to Forgive, Divine.” That’s what Alexander Pope wrote three hundred years ago. A few years later, Robert Burns advised his self-righteous fellow-countrymen, whom he called the “unco guid,” to “gently scan your brother Man,/Still gentler sister Woman;/Tho’ they may gang a kennin wrang,/To step aside is human.” But if the 18th century poets were agreed on the fallibility of what they, perhaps fallibly, called “Mankind,” it is a lesson our ideological age has somehow managed to unlearn. No more do we gently scan our brother Man (our sister Man may be a different matter); and the cancel culture’s declining to forgive is not the least of its beefs with the Divine. Actually, there’s no mystery about this. The whole attraction of today’s reigning ideology …
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