Afghanistan Reveals US Choices Have Dangerously Narrowed

Commentary In the “Nicomachean Ethics,” Aristotle has a lot to say about the activity of choice and its place in securing “eudaimonia,” that “good-spiritedness” that is synonymous with human fulfillment. Choice is critical in the metabolism of virtue. But, Aristotle points out, it is possible for someone, through bad choices, to put himself in a situation from which choice cannot rescue him. “The unjust and profligate might at the outset have avoided becoming so,” he says, “but when they have become unjust and profligate it is no longer open to them not to be so.” I suspect this hard truth pertains to states or societies as well as to individuals. We the people can make choices that put our fate beyond reclamation by choice. Recent events in Afghanistan, and what they portend for the United States, provide an example of what I mean. No one’s crystal ball is bright enough to …
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