The Dark Origins of Communism: The Reign of Terror

In this second episode of a special documentary series by Epoch TV, Joshua Philipp expands into the history of communism, the foundational beliefs that catapulted such a dangerous ideology, and how this ideology continues to con people despite its horrific past and many failures. Philipp explains that communism is a belief in the destruction of belief. It destroys religion, wherever it goes, and yet it functions almost like a religion. In communism, there are thought leaders who act as prophets. There is scripture and followers, and even fanatics. This ideology has precepts and rules. Communism holds requirements for faith in the Party, and there is punishment for nonbelievers. However, the line between religion and cult can be very thin, and this episode reveals how communism operates more in line with an evil cult. The cult of communism lures people by preaching secular salvation and a man-made utopia. Yet these ideas …
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