Parents Allege Hostility Against Religion in School-Funding Lawsuit

A group of Michigan parents is seeking to overturn a long-standing state constitutional amendment outlawing public funding of private and religious schools. One of the plaintiffs, Jessie Bagos, told The Epoch Times: “To have the federal court declare the so-called Blaine Amendment unconstitutional will open up real school choice for all the people of Michigan.” Bagos, a mother of twin first-grade boys, said: “This is a step in a much bigger process. Without this step, thousands of parents will have no alternative but the public school. They will have nowhere else to go.” School choice is very important to Bagos and her husband, Ryan. “Because,” she said, “our public school district handled the pandemic horribly. Two young boys forced to do kindergarten on a computer! Can you imagine? They cried every morning. “We believe our children were harmed by that experience. One son developed anxiety. He just kept clinging to …

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