Sen. Cruz and Republican Colleagues Decry ‘Biden Border Crisis’

At a press conference discussing the ongoing crisis at the U.S.–Mexico border, several Republican senators led by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) railed against the “Biden border crisis” and President Joe Biden’s refusal to address the problem. Currently, the United States is experiencing record levels of immigration after Biden quickly overturned several of the reforms made by President Donald Trump. Throughout the conference, Senate Republicans emphasized that the border is vulnerable to drug smugglers, human traffickers, and terrorists, and warned that the “humanitarian crisis” at the border must be addressed. “The Biden border crisis,” Cruz said, “is a crisis that, on the merits, should dominate the news each and every day because it continues to get worse.” Biden and Harris ‘Refuse to Enforce the Law’: Cruz Cruz pointed to a Washington Times report that found that catch and release numbers increased a whopping 430,000 percent from August 2020 to August 2021. …

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