Use These 2 Strategies to Unlock Your Greatest Leadership Potential

By Sabrina Philipp The hot and cold approach to growth as a leader is not sustainable and leads to burnout. Successful leaders understand the key to accomplishing their goals, and living a rich life happens through consistently doing the personal-growth work. The idea behind what personal development represents should be more than a social-media meme. Successful leaders use personal-development strategies to build a strong mindset and create greater freedom. If you study any successful leader—Jeff Bezos, Oprah, Michelle Obama, Richard Branson, etc.—you’ll see a pattern of consistency and the development of healthy habits. You’ll see leaders that understand the importance of high-performance-optimization principles. They’re hungry for growth and committed to their development. As a leader, everything you’d like to accomplish in your life, work, business, and relationships happens on the other side of optimizing your habits. If you’re going to create more success, you have to commit to the long-term personal-growth …

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