As Red Cross Moves to Pricey Blood Treatment Method, Hospitals Call for More Choice

Americans generally don’t spend much time thinking about the nation’s blood supply.
That’s mainly because the collection and distribution system is safe and efficient. But there’s a new behind-the-scenes challenge, according to some hospital officials, who fear a change in how blood platelets are handled will sharply increase the cost—and, in some cases, the number of transfusions needed—to treat cancer patients, trauma victims, and those undergoing surgery.
The concern revolves around the American Red Cross, the nation’s single-largest provider of blood products, which will exclusively use an expensive technology to reduce the risk of dangerous bacteria tainting platelets. But the move limits hospitals’ choice of less expensive testing options, which are also effective. “We are very concerned the blood collection centers have decided what is best for our patients when we are on the front line,” said Dr. Aaron Tobian, director of the transfusion medicine division at Johns Hopkins Hospital….

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