Beijing Disinformation Campaigns Rapidly Involving, Says META

Meta has told an Australian government inquiry that Beijing-run disinformation campaigns are rapidly evolving and are moving to create stir up social disunity in targeted nations.
Under questioning, Meta head of Public Policy in Australia, Josh Machin, revealed that 51 percent of the Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior (CIB) networks that were known, by Meta,  to originate from China were taken down in the last seven months following an uptick in activity
A troll farm or troll factory is an institutionalised group of internet trolls that strive to interfere in the political environment and decision-making process.
“We have seen quite a shift in tactics and approach by China-based actors over the past seven months or so. Fifty per cent of the China-originating CIB networks we have actioned in the last four years we’ve taken down in the last seven months,” Mr. Machin said….

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