Can ‘The Cavalry’ Save the Red States?

Commentary In the book I am writing—working title “The Southland Train”—I contend that the red states are under assault by the left and the democratic republic created by our Founders will rise or fall based on the way this threat is resolved.   The blue states, a least for now, are too far gone to be of any help. Ironically, however, I further contend—possibly the best hope for the salvation of the red states—that a “cavalry” of constitutionalists has arrived and is continuing to arrive in those states, in the form of discontented migrants from blue states. Many in the red states feared these people were just closet liberals out to save some tax money who would pollute their home state with their left-leaning values, although these nervous folks have proven to be largely wrong. This is a genuine cavalry, riding to the rescue in the best sense, like that …

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