Can You Spot the Snow Leopard Cub Perfectly Camouflaged Beside Its Mom in This Himalayan Landscape Photo?

You won’t have to brave unforgiving terrain and high altitudes to enjoy breathtaking Himalayan landscapes—one wildlife photographer from Nepal is capturing that regal beauty on his camera for the world to marvel at. Born and raised amidst that region, Tashi Rapte Ghale grew to love photography by practicing on old-model cameras, before later purchasing his professional DSLR. He dreamed of photographing Himalayan wildlife, with his sights set on capturing one elusive species in particular. “I love to photograph snow leopard, its prey species, and its habitat,” he told The Epoch Times. “The landscape where snow leopard live inspires me the most to follow and photograph this apex predator of the mountain ecosystem. “My first photograph of snow leopard in the wild is in 2006, and till now, I have seen 17 times in the wild.” The 51-year-old scientist and semi-pro photographer from Manang takes trips out into the mountains in …

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