China Seeks UN Crackdown on Internet Freedom

News Analysis Democracies are failing to oppose Beijing’s unprecedented plan to restrict the world’s internet freedom. Beijing’s proposal to re-write internet rules and re-engineer its plumbing, supposedly to achieve security at 6G speeds, might lead to more censorship by dictatorships, the BBC told lawmakers in Britain. “China is currently promoting a new method of managing internet traffic that will, if successful, provide an easy means to inhibit the flow of international media,” according to the BBC. Those plans also include a requirement for users around the world to register for internet use. They could then be deregistered according to the will of governments. The BBC’s warning came in evidence submitted to the British Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Select Committee. The Chinese proposal would radically change internet standards and has a high probability of passing the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), which is a United Nations agency that regulates information and communication technologies. …

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