
Codependency was a popular topic of discussion not so many years ago, and although out of the spotlight today, it hasn’t gone anywhere. Codependency refers to an excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner. And while spoken of infrequently today, it’s still here. It’s a sneaky and deceptive quirk that can affect marriages and any relationships in which we humans find ourselves. Codependency works behind the scenes and often goes unnoticed as the source of a relationship malfunction. If not stopped in its tracks, it can destroy a relationship. Fortunately, it can’t exist within a healthy relationship. It runs counter to the healthy interdependence two mature people create with each other. And if we want healthy relationships, we owe it to ourselves to understand how codependency works and how to remove ourselves far from it. A Hard Lesson Marriage and all other relationships are renewed when you stop being a codependent …

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