Embodying the Truth 

The truth is a powerful thing, but unraveling what is true isn’t nearly as straightforward as we might believe. The dictionary meaning of truth points to an indisputable fact or an accurate portrayal of objective reality. Honesty, integrity, and transparency allow the truth to be seen. Lies, denial, and deceit cover it up. You may think truth is merely the polar opposite of false. But there also exists a more personal and mysterious side to this idea, because our perception of what is true hinges heavily on our ability to perceive, understand, and experience. Take, for example, the Greek word for truth, alethia. Instead of describing the true-versus-false dichotomy we typically think of, alethia refers to the process of uncovering the truth. It means “to reveal what is hidden.” Instead of just a cold, hard fact, alethia describes a search for answers and the enlightenment that comes with finding them. …

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