Five Spiritual Tourism Destinations and How to Experience Them

The pandemic has led some people to take a greater interest in religion and spirituality. One of the many definitions of the “spirit” is that it is our inner, nonphysical world, including both our conscious and subconscious minds. Our spiritual self interprets sensory inputs from our outer world and creates our experience of reality. We usually associate spirituality with practices such as worship, meditation and yoga. But for many, travelling can be highly spiritual, as it involves being immersed in an experience different from our normal existence. It is also a “liminal experience” – we are suspended in an unknown setting which opens us to new possibilities. Spiritual tourism, including wellness tourism, was a rising global trend before the pandemic. The book and Hollywood film Eat Pray Love, for example, drew tourists to India and Bali in Indonesia, seeking spiritual solutions to the challenges of modern life. As the pandemic eases and the world gradually returns to international travel, we expect …

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