Florida University Sponsors Webinar Teaching Educators How to Disguise and Push CRT

Despite the ban on teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT) in Florida’s schools, a webinar was sponsored by Florida Atlantic University on Sept. 20 teaching educators in several Florida counties how to disguise and push CRT into any classroom, regardless of subject matter. The link to the webinar—sent in an email instructing educators not to share it with anyone from the public—was obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times through an informant in the Florida school system. In the email, the webinar was billed as a “free professional learning opportunity.” “To keep this webinar secure,” read the instructions sent to those who registered, “do not share this link publicly.” The speaker for the webinar was Dr. Gholnecsar (Gholdy) Muhammad—an associate professor of language and literacy at Georgia State University. The four-member panel was comprised of FAU faculty: Dilys Schoorman (professor and the Chair of the Department of Curriculum, Culture and Educational Inquiry) …

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