Freedom at Stake

Commentary In this episode of Counterculture, “Gun Control and COVID-19,” host Danielle D’Souza Gill explores American freedoms that are being taken away by our government little by little. She also delves into how COVID-19 and gun control are linked together. This video gives us vital information about how the government and Democrats in particular want to take our freedoms and how we can preserve them. In a fable about a frog that is put into a pot of hot water, once the frog hits the hot water, it immediately jumps out. However, if the water is lukewarm and slowly heated to boiling, the frog will stay in the water, not realizing what is happening until it is too late. A similar situation is happening in our country, with one thing after another being taken away or restricted. COVID-19 As COVID-19 has swept through our country, it has been used as …
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