How to Position Yourself as the Go-To Expert in Your Niche

By Erica McMillan
When you have a strong personal brand you are viewed as the expert and go-to personality in your field, whatever that is. If you exit your company or it’s acquired and you start another venture, guess what? Your personal brand follows you, and you are able to immediately leverage its power.
As a branding strategist, I often see entrepreneurs looking for a PR firm to help them create a strong personal brand, but it’s not something that a “package” can deliver. It’s something that takes time, effort, and multiple platforms.
I want to review a very clear and direct personal branding approach that I often suggest to clients who contact my company looking for ways to better position themselves within their industry. It’s a simple, yet highly effective strategy that you can use to your advantage, helping you be seen as the go-to expert in your field….

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