Judge: Mediator Will Sort Claims in Florida Condo Collapse

Hoping to avoid a bitter and lengthy battle over money by victims, a judge on Wednesday said a mediator will be named to sort through claims arising from the collapse of a Florida condominium that killed 98 people. The intent is for an agreement to be reached on the distribution of money from the planned sale of the Champlain Towers South site in Surfside, Florida, plus insurance payouts and any lawsuit proceeds. “I want to get this started,” Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Michael Hanzman said at a hearing. “The last thing I want to see is victims fighting over the (money) allocation. That would be a shame.” Several attorneys compared the Florida collapse to the difficult task of assigning value to human life versus property losses and other claims after the 9/11 terror attacks. That process, overseen by attorney Kenneth Feinberg, has now become the Netflix film “Worth” starring Michael Keaton …

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