Lawyers Concerned About Ottawa Police’s Threat of Criminal Prosecution of Those ‘Involved in This Protest’

A Twitter post by the Ottawa Police Service threatening criminal prosecution for those “involved in this protest” raises concerns for some lawyers who fear people’s rights will be trampled upon. “If you are involved in this protest, we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges,” the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) said on Twitter on Feb. 20. Derek From, a lawyer based in Alberta, says he is concerned with the “vague and ambiguous threat” in the post. “What does involved mean? Does that mean that you support the truckers financially? Does that mean that you support them on social media? Does that mean that you’ve fed them when they passed by or that you’ve waived a Canadian flag?” he said in an interview. “This sort of incoherent tweet from the police will have a chilling effect on political speech. It is meant to intimidate …

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