New York City Fires Nearly 1,500 Workers For Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine: Mayor

New York Mayor Eric Adams announced on Monday that 1,430 public-sector workers in the city were fired for failing to meet a Feb. 11 deadline to get vaccinated against COVID-19. As many as 4,000 city workers were given notice in January to be fully vaccinated as a condition of employment. Three-quarters of those workers had already been on leave without pay for months, having missed an earlier deadline for getting vaccinated in order to stay on the job. In a statement on Monday, the mayor suggested that the workers chose to leave their jobs by refusing to get vaccinated. “Our goal was always to vaccinate, not terminate,” Adams said. “And city workers stepped up and met the goal placed before them.” The 1,430 workers who were fired over their vaccination status make up less than 1 percent of the 370,000-person city workforce. “City workers served on the front lines during …

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