The New York City metro public transportation company spent $1.5 million on pump trucks to mitigate flooding, but none of its personnel got trained to operate them so they just sat parked for years with no maintenance, according to the watchdog agency that oversees the state-owned company. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) bought the 12 trailer-mounted diesel pumps in 2018 with money from a federal grant meant to help the city mitigate flooding. The pumps could have proven handy just three weeks ago, when remnants of Hurricane Ida caused flash flooding that killed 49 in the New York-New Jersey area. But the pumps have stood idle because MTA personnel hasn’t been properly trained on how to run them, even though MTA paid for the training, according to a recent report by the MTA Inspector General (pdf). The report said responsible employees and administrators knew nobody was taking care of the …
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