Oklahoma National Guard Bars Unvaccinated Airmen From Drills

In the wake of a federal judge rejecting Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt’s attempt to block the Pentagon’s COVID-19 vaccine requirements for National Guard members, the head of the Oklahoma National Guard announced Thursday that unvaccinated airmen will no longer be allowed to drill. While U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Thomas Mancino has backed the governor’s position that he won’t enforce the Defense Department’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, in his Thursday message, he told members of the Oklahoma Air National Guard that because of the state’s loss in court, they will not be allowed to participate in their monthly drill weekends unless they get the vaccine or have an exemption. “The Department of Defense has indicated it will recoup any pay provided to unvaccinated airmen who drill after Jan. 1, 2022,” Mancino said in the message, noting that the Pentagon could “enforce this threat outside of the State of Oklahoma’s control.” “With no …

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