Over 1,000 Kellogg’s US Cereal Plant Workers Go on Strike Over Cut to Benefits and Pay

Over 1,000 Kellogg’s cereal employees went on strike for more than 18 hours at various plants across the United States on Oct. 5, amid failed negotiations over the payment and benefits terms of a new contract for workers. The food manufacturing company has been at loggerheads with union members for more than a year over over a dispute involving a cut to pay and benefits such as premium health care, holiday and vacation pay, and reduced retirement benefits. The company’s existing contract with employees expired at midnight on Monday. Workers walked out of plants on Tuesday morning and began marching outside, many of them brandishing signs reading “fighting corporate greed” and “support essential workers.” An angry-looking mascot of Kellogg’s Tony the Tiger was also paraded by employees on strike. Roughly 1,400 Kellogg’s cereal plant employees went on strike across across Michigan, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee over the wage disparities. Anthony Shelton, president of Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers, and Grain Millers International Union, said Kellogg’s has threatened to …

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