Skirting the Issue

In the 1950s when television was in black and white as was the distinction between acceptable and unacceptable behavior, comedian Milton Berle would occasionally wear a dress in a skit, causing the studio audience to laugh uproariously. How things have changed.
A U.S. Court of Appeals has recently ruled that North Carolina charter day schools cannot have dress codes based on a child’s gender because as a “state actor,” such codes violate laws on equal protection. Under the ruling, girls can no longer be required to wear dresses.
Some parents have believed charter schools are an alternative to public schools that impose woke ideology. If this court ruling stands, notes a New York Post editorial, “… it could mean, in effect, the end of charters as they exist. It provides a legal rationale for them to be brought under the thumb of the states and city educrats nationwide who are eager to handcuff charters for daring to bring educational options to students failed by traditional public schools.”…

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