Southern California Hyundai Headquarters to Develop Flying Taxis

IRVINE, Calif.—Southern California residents could see flying taxis soar across the sky as early as 2028, a technology in development by a Hyundai Motor Group subdivision building the future of air mobility. “Until recently, the concept of flying vehicles existed in our imagination, on TV shows, and in futuristic or otherworldly movies,” Diane Cooper, the Head of U.S. Policy for Supernal, the Group’s Urban Air Mobility Division, said in a statement. “Thanks to breakthrough technologies and accelerated digitalization, the concept could be a reality within the decade.” Last year, Supernal announced engineering the eVTOL, a vertical-takeoff-and-landing vehicle using artificial intelligence, autonomous control, and electric power out of a 105,600-square-foot building in the Irvine Spectrum District. “Tech talent is critical to making advanced air mobility a reality—and that makes Irvine a great place for our engineering headquarters,” Ben Diachun, the company’s chief technology officer, told the Orange County Business Journal. An …

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