Terrorist Asks Supreme Court to Let Him Depose Ex-CIA Contractors for Polish Criminal Probe

A Muslim terrorist’s lawyer asked the Supreme Court this morning to allow his client to depose two former Central Intelligence Agency contractors about waterboarding at CIA black sites in connection with a Polish criminal investigation into that nation’s involvement in the CIA detention and interrogation program. Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn, 50, also known by his nom de guerre, Abu Zubaydah, was “an associate and longtime terrorist ally of Osama bin Laden,” according to the government. Zubaydah is “the first high-value terrorist captured after the 9/11 attacks,” according to the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). According to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, “Although he never pledged bay’ah [i.e. loyalty] to Usama bin Ladin, Abu Zubaydah functioned as a full member of al-Qa’ida and was a trusted associate of al-Qa’ida’s senior leaders.” He is being held at the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba. The government …

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