The Hoosiers lay claim to a simple pie containing very few ingredients. Ask any Indianian about this dessert, which harkens back to the 1800s, and you’re more than likely to be regaled with fond stories about how sugar cream pie was a much-anticipated treat at family gatherings.
This humble pie contains a mere six ingredients: sugar, flour, salt, cream, vanilla, and butter. A sprinkle of nutmeg or cinnamon is the finishing touch. It joins the pantheon of pies that were particularly popular during the Depression, due to their thrifty use of staple ingredients, and earned the moniker “desperation pies.”
According to officials at the Indiana Historical Society, one of the oldest sugar cream pie recipes on record was published in “The Hoosier Cookbook” in 1976 and dates back to 1816, the year that Indiana became a state. Some folks claim that the Amish were responsible for introducing the pie to Indiana, but this date seems to refute that, as the Amish didn’t arrive in Indiana until the 1830s.
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