Tory MP Questions BC’s Sincerity in Protecting Its Health Care System From Being Overwhelmed

A Tory MP is raising questions over why B.C. is considering allowing vaccinated COVID-19-positive health care workers to return to work but not the unvaccinated ones. “So, vaccinated but Covid positive workers are told to keep working, while unvaccinated workers are forced to stay home even if they are Covid-free? If this is really about protecting the system, why not give daily tests to all & let all Covid-free workers keep it running safely?” Mark Strahl said on Twitter Thursday. Strahl, who represents the riding of Chilliwack-Hope in British Columbia, was responding to a comment made by the province’s top doctor Bonnie Henry, who told reporters in a press conference Wednesday that officials were weighing the possibility of letting some health care workers with mild symptoms get back to work, if necessary. “That is something we have had preliminary plans, for but we’re working with the occupational health and safety folk …

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