Washington Enacts Minimum Wage Hike via ‘Stimmy-Flation’

Commentary Much like the Biden administration’s failed vaccine mandate “workaround”—endowing OSHA with powers it doesn’t have in place of actual legislation—it seems they’ve stumbled on a work around for another pet project. One of the progressive movement’s long-time “wishlist” items has been a national minimum wage; as if the cost of living in New York City is the same as it is in Boise, Idaho. This is the way big government thinks. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the truth is the only thing the government can deliver regularly, reliably, and without fail are unintended consequences. This is the story of how the progressive wing got their wish, and in the meantime, made the entire country poorer. A National Severance Package When you force a person to give up their livelihood, it’s common practice to offer some compensation to assist in their transition. Private companies usually extend …

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