Welsh Government Wins COVID Passport Vote After Tory Lawmaker Misses Vote

The Welsh Parliament approved the Labour government’s plan to introduce COVID passes by one vote after a Conservative member of Senedd (MS) missed the vote due to technical difficulties. From Oct. 11, all adults will be required to have an NHS COVID Pass to enter nightclubs; indoor, non-seated events for more than 500 people; outdoor non-seated events for more than 4,000 people; and any setting or event with more than 10,000 people in attendance. The app can be used as proof of full CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus vaccination or a negative lateral flow test result within the past 48 hours. The plan passed in Senedd by 28 votes to 27, while all oppositions parties—Conservatives, Plaid Cymru, and Liberal Democrats—opposed it. One Conservative MS, Gareth Davies, didn’t vote due to an issue with his zoom link. If Davies did vote, the votes would have been tied and the plan would not …

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