More than 90 percent of U.S. store-brand chickens have the muscle disease known as “white striping,” according to findings released on Monday by The Humane League. White striping disease is a muscle myopathy that occurs when chickens are bred for rapid growth. The stripes appear on the chickens when they are unable to keep up with the unnaturally fast muscle growth, which can also create problems with blood and oxygen flow. As a result, the chickens replace muscle tissue with fibrous tissue and fat, which subsequently reduces the nutritional value of the meat by increasing the fat content by 224 percent and giving lower protein levels by 9 percent. White striping reportedly impacts 50–96 percent of fast-growing chickens. Between May 2021 through July 2021, The Humane League, a global animal protection nonprofit, conducted an investigation on white striping disease in chickens on supermarket shelves to see if they had similar levels to those reported in scientific journals. The …
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