Wielding Deadly Weapons of One Kind or Another

Commentary This summer, I’ve accomplished a variety of things. I’ve been swimming, running, tree-climbing, board-game-playing, and too many other happily carefree activities to list. Apart from all of those activities, however, shooting holds a special place in my heart. Hardly a day goes by that I’m not occupied in the backyard, honing my marksmanship with a BB gun. I’m here to tell you firsthand, no other pursuit could be dearer to any little boy’s heart. Nevertheless, as any little boy’s mother will tell you, guns are dangerous. You could shoot your eye out. My father was the one who first introduced the four weapon safety rules. Three out of four of my siblings are boys, and four out of four of us can recite the rules by heart. Even my youngest brother, “Baby Cowboy,” knows his target and what’s beyond it when he wields his orange-capped toy pistol. While most …
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