Wisconsin Veterans Group Sues to Sequester State’s Military Absentee Ballots Before Vote Counting Begins

Just days before the Nov. 8 midterm election, a Waukesha County Circuit Court judge was asked to sequester the state’s military absentee ballots until they are properly verified.
The lawsuit (pdf), called Concerned Veterans of Waukesha County (et al) v. the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC), was filed on Nov. 4 by a team of lawyers from the Thomas More Society.
The action arose after a major vulnerability in the state’s military absentee ballot verification process was brought to light by a whistleblower working within the City of Milwaukee Elections Commission.
To expose a major flaw in the military mail-in vote system, the high-ranking election official, who has since been fired, successfully applied online for three military absentee ballots under three different names and had them all delivered to the residence of State Assemblywoman Janel Brandtjen (R-Menomonee Falls)….

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